Microfiche 1

The microfiche contains a selection of 260 super 8-film stills of my own personal collection of films. The stills are put together randomly on the fiche. The microfiche viewer allows one to view the frames at screen filling size. One can negotiate the images at will. There is series of interchangeable grids containing paths that the viewer may choose to follow as a guide through the images. Following the paths gives the opportunity to view the whole fiche in "sequences". The microfiche viewer has a sculptural presence. It is crucial for the reading of the work since it comprises dated technology used in libraries and archives. Using the microfiche viewer to negotiate between the stills refers to archiving of personal history, in terms of memory and to actual archiving of family films, photographs etc. The way one negotiates between the images refers to mental mapping of memory and to the way mental mapping is influenced by photographic evidence.


Microfiche, microfiche viewers, MDF plinth with steel slots, 12 steel grids